суббота, 19 ноября 2011 г.

In South Korea, caught a spy from North Korea

In South Korea, caught a spy from North KoreaIn South Korea, caught a spy from North Korea, . A man by the name Kim arrived in South Korea in April 2011 as a refugee, but during the inspection of his biography revealed that he collaborated with the North Korean military intelligence and was held at the home of training in intelligence activities.
Before I came to South Korea, the alleged spy was in China, Laos, Vietnam and Thailand, that is believed to south Korean authorities to reinforce the legend. As the agency actually spying DPRK citizen to do so and did not, because all the time since his arrival in the country behind him followed carefully.
According to the Korean authorities, Kim may have had links with other North Korean spies who can pretend to be deserters. In the past, defectors often detected North Korean agents of intelligence.
Spies from North Korea in South Korea show up relatively regularly. Over the past three years, the South Korean authorities have caught at least five agents of the North Korean intelligence. Total in 1948 in South Korea were exposed about 4,500 spies from North Korea.

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